Bodybuilder + Steroids can Lead to Gynecomastia

The use of Steroids among bodybuilders and men who compete in professional sports is not unusual. Steroids are known to increase muscle growth for the bodybuilder and performance can be enhanced for the athlete.
Up until 1990, steroid use was legal, and then Congress added steroids to Schedule 3, which puts it into the same category as controlled substances such as; heroin, cocaine, and LSD. Unless a doctor prescribes anabolic steroids for a medical condition, they are illegal to use.
Steroid Induced Gynecomastia
Dr. Delgado warns his male breast reduction patients about using steroids and purchasing them online or by mail order. They come in many different forms, from pills, injections, creams, and gels. Steroids are very potent and have many serious side effects. Some side effects are; impotence, infertility, heart attacks, mood swings, and an increase of bad cholesterol, liver cancer, and development of the male breast.
Anabolic steroids convert into estrogen-like compounds in a process known as “aromatization,” resulting in a change of balance between estrogen and testosterone. The result of this change may be the development of breasts in men, and the testes may reduce testosterone production.
Gynecomastia Surgery
Many men hope that by stopping steroid use that their breasts will return to normal, unfortunately, once the breast tissue has formed male breast reduction surgery is the only way for it to be removed.
Dr. Delgado is quick to point out that not all men who take steroids will develop breasts, but it is not possible to predict who will. It has been noted that young men who may already have some degree of development may be more prone.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is credited with bringing bodybuilding to life with his movie “Pumping Iron.” He did not admit to taking steroids at first but said that you should do anything you can to get an advantage. In later interviews, he admitted to taking steroids and said he did not regret it, but back then it was legal.
If you have developed male breasts due to taking steroids, or even if you don’t know what caused them, call (415 898-4161) or email ( today for a personal consultation with Dr. Delgado to find out what options may be available to you.