Comfort and the Gynecomastia Compression Vest

Marin County gynecomastia patients have heard that the compression vests are uncomfortable and have addressed this concern to San Francisco Bay Area plastic surgeon Miguel Delgado a gynecomastia surgeon.
In listening to his patients, Dr. Delgado was motivated to design his own custom compression vests. The adjustable vests allow for easy access for the drains which are stored in removable pockets. Once the drains are removed in 3 to 5 days, his male breast reduction patients graduate to vest #2 which is thinner and more like a T-shirt. With vest #2 the patients are allowed to remove it while showering, but must continue to wear it 24/7 for a full 6 weeks. With the new custom designed vests (which come in black and white), the issue of discomfort is a thing of the past!