CoolSculpting for Pseudo-Gynecomastia

San Francisco, CA – Pseudo-gynecomastia is man boobs that are caused by fat alone. True gynecomastia is a combination of fat and breast tissue. As discussed in previous blogs, true gynecomastia must be treated by a combination of surgical excision of the breast tissue with liposuction of the fat. Many surgeons try unsuccessfully to remove true gynecomastia with liposuction alone causing revision surgery for many men; in fact, Dr. Delgado’s gynecomastia surgery is now up to 40% redo surgeries of this type. It is, therefore, highly recommended that men seek out the best top plastic cosmetic surgeon that specializes in gynecomastia to avoid needing a “redo” of their surgery. Revision gynecomastia surgery is more difficult because now there is scar tissue from the original surgery and in most cases the skin will have lost some of its elasticity.

For the man with pseudo-gynecomastia, liposuction can give great results and is a much less invasive procedure than surgical excision.

Now, Dr. Delgado has an even less invasive procedure than liposuction for pseudo-gynecomastia, in fact, it is a non-surgical procedure that does not involve needles, scalpels, scars or even any downtime!

Available now at Dr. Delgado’s “Non-Surgical Center of Excellence” is CoolSculpting, where other non-invasive treatments such as Ultherapy, PhotoFacial and more are offered.

CoolSculpting is a process where an applicator sucks an area of fat between two cooling panels and applies intense coldness. The fat cells are destroyed by the coldness without harming the surrounding muscles and tissue and then the dead fat cells are eliminated from the body naturally. The entire process lasts about an hour and many patients read a book, work on laptops or take a nap. Patients state that the treatment is not painful, but initially they feel pressure and coldness from the plates. The results are not evident immediately as the shedding of the fat cells is a process that takes time. The results from the treatment are first evident after 2 to 3 weeks, with continuing results for up to 2 to 4 months, at which time a secondary treatment can be done if desired.

CoolSculpting is an excellent treatment for smaller areas of fat that normally are hard to target with diet and exercise. Men with pseudo-gynecomastia may be excellent candidates for fat reducing of their moobs. Other areas that are popular are the love handles, and abdomen.

There are very few risks involved with CoolSculpting; redness, some bruising and temporary numbness, are noted with most patients returning to all activities shortly after the procedure.

It is important to note that CoolSculpting can be repeated to obtain the desired outcome, but it is not meant to treat large areas of fat. Liposuction remains a more effective procedure for the patient with larger amounts of fat to be removed.

For the man with pseudo-gynecomastia, CoolSculpting is an exciting possibility for an alternative treatment to liposuction. It is important to remember, most men have true gynecomastia, which means surgical excision will be needed for the removal of breast tissue for the best result. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine how much breast tissue versus fat is on the male chest. It is recommended that the gynecomastia patient schedule a free consultation with Dr. Delgado to determine the best course of treatment for ultimate results and to determine the gynecomastia costs. It is possible for the male breast reduction patient to schedule a combination of procedures to save time and expenses.  Call Today  415-898-4161 or email.


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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