What to Expect the Day of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia Surgery Center of Excellence

Gynecomastia surgery is not “one size fits all”, each patient is individual and surgery is specific for that patient. However, the surgery process is fairly standard with additional surgery time allowed as needed.

On the day of surgery, you are to arrive 2 hours prior to the start of surgery. You will be greeted by the nurse who will escort you to the “Gynecomastia Surgery Center of Excellence”. You will be assigned a locker where you may store your clothing; all valuables are to be left at home or with the adult who accompanies you.

Pre-operative Preparations

You are then taken to a pre-operative exam room where the nurse will review your post-operative instructions. Dr. Delgado will meet with you to see if you have any further questions and at this time he will be making surgical markings to guide him in surgery.

After Dr. Delgado completes his pre-operative preparations, Dr. Gaynor, a Board Certified Anesthesiologist will meet with you. Dr. Gaynor will have called you the night before to review your medical history and discuss any previous surgeries you may have had. Dr. Gaynor will then start an IV, and you will be going into the operating room shortly. At this point, patients remember very little as the general anesthesia kicks in, and you go into a very comfortable sleep. As you wake up you are happy to find out the surgery is over, and you are wheeled into the recovery room. For standard gynecomastia surgery, the procedure lasts about 3 to 3.5 hours.

Comfortable Recovery

Once in the recovery room, you will be attended by our recovery nurse who will be monitoring your vital signs and making sure you are kept comfortable. Most patients are ready to go home in an hour and a half. For safety purposes, you will be taken down to your car via a wheelchair by the nurse, and released to a responsible adult who will care for you at least 24 hours.

The purpose of this blog is to give you an overview of what to expect the day of surgery. You will be given a detailed instruction booklet at the time of scheduling surgery that will answer many questions. However, Dr. Delgado and his staff are always available to you to guide you through the process with ease.

Contact Information

For any questions or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Delgado, you are invited to call (415 898-4161) or email (info@dr-delgado.com).


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates gynecomastia.org, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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