Steroid use is fairly common among competitive bodybuilders because this nonprescription medication can increase muscle growth and help them perform better. However, unprescribed anabolic steroid use can have serious side effects and health risks, including the potential for developing enlarged male breasts.

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What Are Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids promote muscle growth and are often used by bodybuilders or athletes. These steroids are available as a pill, injectable, or skin cream and they can be incredibly dangerous. When anabolic steroids are used without a prescription, their strength can be more than 10 times higher than steroids prescribed for medical use. Common anabolic steroids include:

  • Testosterone
  • Nandrolone
  • Stanozolol
  • Methandienone
  • Boldenone

Not only are anabolic steroids a cause of gynecomastia, but they can also cause early brain cell death and severe health issues like epilepsy and chronic pain. Erectile dysfunction, infertility, hair loss, and an increased risk of prostate cancer are also common side effects of prolonged anabolic steroid use.

World-recognized, leader in gynecomastia surgery.


Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Delgado is an award-winning gynecomastia surgeon with 30+ years of experience treating some of the most complicated cases of male breast growth around the world. He is also the owner and operator of, the largest gynecomastia forum in the world that has the goals of educating, supporting, and offering guidance to those men and families affected. Dr. Delgado is an expert in the field and donates his time toward both the treatment of gynecomastia and the advocacy of education in the surgical community.


Steroid-Induced Gynecomastia

When anabolic steroids are ingested, they are converted to an estrogen-like compound and the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is altered. When more estrogen is present, this hormone imbalance can cause the growth of male breast tissue.

High estrogen levels can also arise if bodybuilders temporarily stop taking steroids. Anabolic steroids send a signal to the brain that there is enough testosterone in the body, and this stops or slows natural testosterone production. Even when athletes stop taking steroids, the lingering effects of the hormonal imbalance can have serious complications, including permanently enlarged glandular breast tissue.

Treatment Options for Steroid-Induced Gynecomastia

Athletes and bodybuilders often use estrogen blockers to block the effects of estrogen (including breast enlargement). However, this medication can cause a variety of side effects like erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and weakened bones which increase the risk of fractures, blurred vision, and more. Surgical treatment is usually a safer and more effective option.

Once gynecomastia has progressed and breast tissue is developed, gynecomastia surgery is the best option to tone the chest and get rid of feminine-looking breasts. Dr. Delgado offers many surgical options depending on the severity of your gynecomastia symptoms. During surgery, glandular tissue and excess fatty tissue will be removed from the breasts to tone and flatten the chest for a more masculine appearance.

Body Builders + Steroid Use FAQ’s

Do bodybuilders get gynecomastia?

Yes, bodybuilders can be affected by gynecomastia. This is often due to anabolic steroid use. Although this form of gynecomastia is not life-threatening, it can cause much psychological and emotional distress, especially for men who are very focused on their body’s aesthetics.

Will building muscle get rid of gyno?

Unfortunately, building chest muscles will not get rid of gynecomastia. This is because gynecomastia is caused by an increase in glandular tissue, which must be removed during gynecomastia surgery for long-term correction.

How do bodybuilders fix gyno?

Bodybuilders who have gynecomastia due to anabolic steroid use should stop using anabolic steroids. Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast reduction, is often needed to help these men restore the masculine chest contour they desire.

How do bodybuilders avoid gyno?

Bodybuilders can avoid gynecomastia by not using anabolic steroids, reducing alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

How long until gyno is permanent?

Teens who experience gynecomastia during puberty may notice their gynecomastia symptoms go away on their own within a few months to a couple of years. If gynecomastia is still present after this time, it is most likely not going to resolve on its own. In these cases, gynecomastia surgery is often needed to correct this condition.

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Bodybuilder + Steroids can Lead to Gynecomastia

The use of Steroids among bodybuilders and men who compete in professional sports is not unusual. Steroids are known to increase muscle growth for the bodybuilder and performance can be enhanced for the athlete. Up until 1990, steroid use was legal, and then Congress added steroids to Schedule 3, which…

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726+ Reviews

I highly recommend Dr. Delgado if you are considering gynecomastia surgery!

– Michael Cruz

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I had the procedure completed about 2 months ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. My chest finally looks the way I’ve wanted it to look for years. The muscle definition is finally there and I can wear tighter fitting shirts and workout gear without the discomfort of feeling self conscious about my chest.

726+ Reviews

I highly recommend Dr. Delgado if you are considering gynecomastia surgery!

– Michael Cruz

I had the procedure completed about 2 months ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. My chest finally looks the way I’ve wanted it to look for years. The muscle definition is finally there and I can wear tighter fitting shirts and workout gear without the discomfort of feeling self conscious about my chest.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are suffering from breast development resulting from the use of anabolic steroids, schedule a consultation with Dr. Delgado. He can help you treat gynecomastia and regain your ideal physique as well as help you through your steroid addiction to improve and maintain your overall health.

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Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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