Dr. Delgado Talks About Drains and Compression Vests

Dr. Delgado, a specialist in gynecomastia has been performing male breast reduction since 1989. Considered one of the top gynecomastia surgeons in all of the United States he has patients who travel from all parts of the United States and other countries to be treated by him.

Dr. Delgado is a Leader in Gynecomastia

Dr. Delgado provides the latest in technology and technique to his patients, many of which he designs himself. The result is a high satisfaction rate he receives from his patients. In the before and after pictures below is a delighted patient who wanted to share his own photos.

In listening to his patients, Dr. Miguel Delgado,M.D. learned that the tiny scar left by the incision made for the drain was quite bothersome to many patients. Dr. Delgado explains in detail the need for drains; you can read more about that in the blog dated September 2017. Note in the after picture below where you can see the small scar right below the armpit.

By moving the incision high up into the armpit, once it has healed patients have a hard time locating it!

Patient Comfort is Key

Another innovation by Dr. Delgado is the design of his unique compression vests. Previously commercial vests were bulky and did not have a provision for the awkward drain bulbs. Before, the bulbs were attached to the vest with a safety pin as shown in the picture.

Dr. Delgado designed his vest with removable pockets that hold the bulbs. Once the drains were removed, the pockets came off making the vest less bulky. Also, the shoulder straps are adjustable allowing for more comfort. Then there is a second stage vest that is used when healing has progressed. The second vest is made of thinner material and has compression over the chest only. Lined with a soft T-shirt fabric, the vest is even more comfortable and undetectable under most shirts.

Call Today!

Are you ready to address your gynecomastia concerns? Call now(415) 898-4161 for an appointment with Dr. Delgado; you will be glad you did!


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates gynecomastia.org, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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