provides Information, Treatment, and Support

Men with gynecomastia also referred to as moobs, are relieved to know that there are support groups available to help them get current information at Our society makes it difficult for men to reach out for support for a very embarrassing and sometimes devastating condition. It is not considered masculine to be sharing personal issues especially over symptoms of enlarged male breasts which gives them a feminine appearance.

Fortunately, in 1999 Merle Yost, a psychologist who suffered with the condition himself, created the website He collaborated with gynecomastia specialist Dr. Delgado from the onset in what became the world’s best resource for information on gynecomastia. Besides offering valuable information through blogs, press releases, and articles posted by member doctors, there is a vast amount of before and after pictures, and a directory of gynecomastia surgeons listed by state.

However, the most popular aspect of the site is the forums. The forums allow members who join (at no cost) to address issues, ask questions of each other and member doctors. Many share stories of how gynecomastia has affected their life and their journey to resolution, in most cases by male breast reduction surgery. They share the pros and cons of their experience from beginning to end and many times their opinion of their surgeon. The support men receive from each other is invaluable. They finally have found a place they feel safe in sharing a nightmare they thought they had to face alone.

Having treated men for years with gynecomastia, Dr. Delgado referred many patients to the site for additional support, the positive feedback he got encouraged him to take over the maintenance and ownership of the site in 2010 when Merle Yost stepped down. Knowing the value the site has had through the years, Dr. Delgado wanted to maintain its integrity, and keep the membership at no cost to the forum members. There is a membership fee to the participating surgeons listed in the directory which covers the maintenance of the site and ensures only Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who have a true interest in gynecomastia are members.


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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