Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

FAQ’s  Male Breast Reduction Surgery

1. Do I have to wear the vest day and night?  Yes.  Your compression vest must be worn day and night for exactly 6 weeks.  It may be off for showering but for no other activity.  Feel free to wear a cotton T-shirt under your vest for additional comfort.
2. Is there anything I should look for or be concerned about?  Watch for any excessive swelling, bleeding or bruising; from one side or both.
3. How soon can I drive?  You may drive when you feel safe.  Do not drive if you have taken any prescription pain medicine.  Do not drive long distances within your first week of recovery if possible.
4. When can I shower?  Once your drains have been removed, please wait at least 8 hours or until the next morning to shower.  Do not soak in a bath tub or hot tub until your wounds have healed completely. *Prior to drain removal you may “sponge bathe” or use baby wipes to freshen up then reapply your pads and vest.  Do not get your drain wound/site wet.
5. When may I begin using something to prevent scarring?  Begin using Silicone gel pads about 10 days after your incisions or wounds are completely healed.  Most men can start using the pads between 3 and 5 weeks after the procedure.  Silicone should be used for 2-3 months.
6. How soon can I start working out or exercising?  Do not do any strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks.  Depending on your particular procedure and how you heal, sometimes Dr. Delgado will allow some exercise (walking, no weights!) a little earlier.  Refraining from any cardio or aerobic activity will help reduce your swelling and get your chest to your desired shape sooner than later.  Ask Dr. Delgado about this as each patient and procedure is different;  he will customize this aspect of your recovery.
7. Can I wash the vest?  Yes, you may wash your vest as needed.  Wash (in machine) on gentle cycle with cold water.  Line dry.  If you need it in a hurry, put it in the dryer with a few dry towels and set the dryer on cool air setting.  You should have two vests so be sure you are wearing one while laundering the other.
8. Do I have full range of motion with my arms?  Yes.  However, if extensive movements during your early recovery period cause pain, refrain from stretching for a week or two.
9. What ointment can be used to help the incision line and drain wounds heal?  Use Bacitracin ointment twice daily and cover with a clean gauze sponge.
10. Do I need to finish my medicine, even if I feel fine?  Take your pain medicine only if needed.  Do finish your Keflex (cephalexin), the antibiotic and if you are taking Sinecch, finish it as well.
11. Should I take any pain medicine before my appointment to have the drains removed?   Tylenol (acetaminophen) is usually helpful and may be taken if you are driving yourself.  If you have a driver, taking a stronger pain reliever may be more helpful.
12. When can I resume taking medication, supplements or foods that Dr. Delgado had me discontinue prior to surgery?   Please consult with Dr. Delgado at one of your post op appointments or call with this or any other question.
13. What number do I call if I have any concerns after office hours?  Call 415-898-4161.  The answering service will have Dr. Delgado call you back.  If your concern seems serious and you do not receive a prompt return call, phone 9-1-1 or have your caretaker take you to the emergency room.

Should you have any question not addressed here, please call the office at 415-898-4161 or email your question to


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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