Gynecomastia Surgery After Weight Loss

After significant weight loss, gynecomastia sufferers have an additional issue to deal with. Besides reducing male breasts, there is now redundant, tissue, fat, and skin requiring more contouring and skilled techniques.

2 Stage Gynecomastia Surgery

Some men are candidates for the 2 stage procedure. The first stage removes breast tissue and fat under the skin. The second stage is a minor procedure that can be done in the office under local anesthesia. Excess skin is removed around the areola in a doughnut shape and is closed with a purse-string type sutures.

Massive Weight Loss and Gynecomastia

For men who have had massive weight loss, most will likely not get desired results with the more traditional procedure of removal of fat and tissue with a hidden incision around the areola. Instead, for the more severe cases, the patient may need an incision going around the areola and a vertical incision to the breast crease creating an anchor reduction.

The anchor incision, also known as an inverted T, will leave visible scars. Most patients understand the trade-off and are accepting of the procedure in order to obtain the best breast shape.

Male Chest After Weight Loss

Many patients find their incisions heal nicely and are comfortable with their results. For others, it is possible they may develop keloid scars which are raised and can be quite noticeable.

Scar Care After Gynecomastia Surgery

Today there are several different treatments available to help with scar management. The experienced board certified gynecomastia specialist will use deep suturing techniques to reduce tension on the skin that helps avoid keloids. Once the incision has healed silicone sheeting is applied, it will help keep the skin hydrated, which helps in scar control.

Additional preventive measures include; steroid injections, scar massage, and laser treatment such as the Palomar Laser. As a last option, scar revision may be done, but that will involve another incision.

Call Today!

Gynecomastia patients are encouraged to call Dr. Miguel Delgado at (415) 898-4161 for a consultation.


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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