Gynecomastia Treatment: Psychological VS Physical

Most men that suffer with gynecomastia, had it develop when they reached puberty. Puberty is an extremely sensitive time for young men without the addition of the gynecomastia breast. A few young men are able to deal with the condition without it impairing their life style, they go to the beach, and take their shirts off for gym. Although, they almost always have to deflect cruel remarks until such time that the condition resolves itself or they seek gynecomastia treatment. But the majority of young men with the male breast suffer silently, most are too embarrassed to even get support from their parents. They refuse to remove their shirts, and they learn to stand with their shoulders rolled forward. Unfortunately, years of this type of behavior can cause great damage to one’s psyche. It is not unusual for young men to become obsessed with their condition and find that they can blame almost all of their problems on the gynecomastia breast.
At some point in their adult life, many men are able to get gynecomastia treatment, which involves the surgical removal of most of the male breast tissue and fat. For most men this is a life altering experience, the relief and immediate joy is profound. But for a very few, there can be some disappointment that not all of their problems in life have disappeared. They may have an unrealistic expectation of what their results should be, and find almost an obsession for constant minor revisions.  Dr. Delgado stresses that this is a very small minority, and these men would most likely benefit from psychological counseling.

If you happen to be in the San Francisco Bay area, there is an excellent psychologist,Merle Yost, LMFT who specializes in the effects of gynecomastia, he has experienced it firsthand.He has a private practice in Oakland, California. There is a wonderful website that he developed in 1999, with abundant information, and forums that allow you to contact others who are considering gynecomastia treatment, or have already had surgery.


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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