Men Worldwide Suffer from Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia Worldwide-Scottish Data
Cosmetic Surgery for Men in Scotland has been booming and follows the gynecomastia worldwide trend. In the last decade, the number of men undergoing cosmetic surgery has doubled. One of the most popular procedures is gynecomastia, up 13% from 2014. The majority are young men who work out at a gym. Also, men who have had significant weight loss and have been left with sagging skin, seek this corrective surgery. Scotland’s largest cities have a growing number of clinics making elective surgery more available for their population.
Gynecomastia in Singapore
There is an article in Singapore that has been published about a man named David (not his real name) who had gynecomastia. David’s story is a common one that we hear in the United States. He had been suffering from man boobs since his early 20’s; he tried to pass it off as nothing but he had physical discomfort in his chest that he could no longer ignore. He thought he might have heart problems, so he sought medical advice which revealed no medical issues.
David then turned to exercise and weight loss, but his man boobs remained, and the pain persisted. By researching online, David suspected that he had gynecomastia. He found a gynecomastia surgeon who confirmed his suspicion. With the support of his wife, surgery was scheduled. David was thrilled after recovery from his surgery, his chest pain was gone, and he now had a masculine chest. He stated that after 20 years he feels like “a real man.” He now encourages other men to seek gynecomastia surgery and not wait 20 years as he did. is Worldwide
Dr. Miguel Delgado, M.D. recommends to his male breast reduction patients to view the website is the web’s best resource for information on gynecomastia. The site offers forums for men to share stories and ask questions of fellow forum members, and of member board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in gynecomastia.
Many countries are represented in forums such as; Canada, the U.K., Asia, Australia, South America, the Middle East, and many more. assists men in finding support and surgeons in their area.
Call Now!
Are you ready to have a normal male chest? Call Dr. Delgado today, (415) 898-4161 for a gynecomastia consultation.