Is Gynecomastia (Man Boobs) Hereditary?

Yes, gynecomastia or man boobs can be inherited. Even though the exact cause of gynecomastia is unknown, several factors, including genetics, can contribute to its development. For example, studies have shown that the likelihood of a man developing gynecomastia increases if his father or brother has the condition.

Two hereditary disorders can result in the formation of the male breast: Klinefelter’s syndrome and Gilbert’s syndrome. The most typical genetic cause is hormonal imbalance, affecting boys ages 12 and 18. Circumstances typically become less turbulent when these boys enter adolescence. Gynecomastia surgery, or moob reduction surgery, is the only option for some men because it will remain for the remainder of their lives.

The development of gynecomastia breasts in men in their latter years may be related to drugs. has an extensive list of medications linked to man boobs.

What Genetic Problems Cause Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia has a few genetic causes. Klinefelter syndrome, on the other hand, is the most common genetic cause.

You have an extra X chromosome if you have Klinefelter syndrome. The X chromosome indicates your testicles aren’t producing as much testosterone as they should be.

Gynecomastia can be prevented by taking testosterone in this situation. If you already have gynecomastia, testosterone therapy may help you eliminate it. Cosmetic surgery may be required to remove any remaining excess breast tissue.

Do Gynecomastia (Man boobs) often disappear?

Gynecomastia can be very common, yet it typically goes away. The majority of newborn baby boys experience increased breast tissue as a result of the hormones released makes during pregnancy.

Symptoms frequently subside within two years, although ten percent of boys experience persistent gynecomastia. In addition, the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone that occurs during puberty can result in breast tissue growth in either one or both breasts.

If the male breast growth remains within two years, it will likely become chronic or permanent. In about 90% of males, it will go away within two years.

How is gynecomastia treated?

Gynecomastia surgery removes male breast tissue and is the only reliable cure for this condition. Male breast reduction surgery will remove the male breast tissue and excess fat. There are many treatment options depending on the grade of the gynecomastia. The types of treatments are as follows:

  • The most minimal procedure is liposuction for pseudogynecomastia. This is effective since it is due to extra fat, not breast tissue. This is due to weight gain, but it still looks like man boobs.
  • Grade 1 gynecomastia is puffy nipples and can be treated with the pull-through, minimally invasive surgical procedure. This plastic surgery technique pulls the breast tissue through a small incision to create a near-invisible scar.
  • Grade 2 gynecomastia is a puffy nipple condition that expands the width of the chest—the standard surgical procedure of breast tissue reduction and excess fat removal.
  • Grade 3 gynecomastia is showing loose or excess skin with breast enlargement. This requires some shin shrinkage techniques or removal of skin such as with the two-stage procedure.
  • Grade 4 gynecomastia is excess skin that needs to be surgically removed.

Gynecomastia treatment is considered a cosmetic surgery procedure. In some situations, it may be covered by medical insurance.

Gynecomastia surgery before and after photos.


Can you inherit gynecomastia?

Yes, you can inherit gynecomastia often referred to as man boobs. This health condition or common inherited trait is observed in the family history of men.

What causes gynecomastia or man boobs?

The root cause of gynecomastia is hormonal imbalances. This may be caused by low testosterone levels or high estrogen levels, which trigger breast tissue development. In addition, it may be caused by drugs, medications, medical conditions, and even obesity. There also seems to be a hereditary effect.

Who is most likely to get gynecomastia?

Any male carries the possibility of developing gynecomastia breasts especially if anabolic steroids or other breast stimulating drugs are ingested.

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I highly recommend Dr. Delgado if you are considering gynecomastia surgery!

– Michael Cruz

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I had the procedure completed about 2 months ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. My chest finally looks the way I’ve wanted it to look for years. The muscle definition is finally there and I can wear tighter fitting shirts and workout gear without the discomfort of feeling self conscious about my chest.

726+ Reviews

I highly recommend Dr. Delgado if you are considering gynecomastia surgery!

– Michael Cruz

I had the procedure completed about 2 months ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. My chest finally looks the way I’ve wanted it to look for years. The muscle definition is finally there and I can wear tighter fitting shirts and workout gear without the discomfort of feeling self conscious about my chest.


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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