Will Insurance Cover the Cost Of Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery is considered cosmetic surgery to reduce male breast enlargement. The official condition is called gynecomastia, more commonly known as man boobs. Surgery aims to flatten the chest region to a more masculine physique.

Since gynecomastia surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure, your insurance coverage may not cover the cost. The gynecomastia surgery cost ranges from $8,000 to $15,000, depending on several factors such as the “Grade” or severity of the gynecomastia. The final cost includes the surgeon’s fee, outpatient surgery center costs, compression garments, and the anesthesiologist.

The health insurance coverage for gynecomastia surgery depends on your health insurance policies. Unfortunately, the insurance policy varies significantly from one insurance company or doctor to the next. Therefore, calling your health insurance company or agent and discussing these issues is crucial.

Most all plastic surgery practices have a variety of patient financing and payment plans. Dr. Delgado has several, which plastic surgeons quickly obtain.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery, is a procedure that removes excess breast tissue from men with gynecomastia. The procedure helps patients to create a more masculine chest contour and reduce psychological distress due to the deformity. Gynecomastia surgery involves many techniques that can be used depending upon the patient’s situation, such as liposuction, direct excision, mastopexy, or tissue rearrangement. Dr. Delgado can provide individualized care and advice for each patient’s condition.

Insurance Coverage for Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast reduction surgery is considered cosmetic surgery and is not covered by most insurance companies. Unfortunately, in most cases, health insurance plans will not cover the gynecomastia procedure. However, there are exceptions, and sometimes gynecomastia surgery is covered by health insurance plans. A consultation with your plastic surgery doctor and a discussion with your insurance company regarding your insurance policy cover, will provide important information.

In some cases, insurance coverage covers gynecomastia surgery when the breast tissue and growth are caused by a medication needed to treat a medical condition.

Factors That Determine if Health Insurance Covers Gynecomastia Surgery

The most important factor to determine if cosmetic surgery will be covered by your insurance plan is whether this procedure is a medical necessity. Many cosmetic surgeries are not covered, but the procedure is not medically necessary. However, in the case of gynecomastia or breast surgery, such a procedure can be covered under health insurance.

Factors that may Affect Coverage of Gynecomastia Surgery Include

  • age of the patient.
  • Severity of the condition in terms of the grade of gynecomastia.
  • If the breast enlargement causes pain or tenderness.
  • If you have rashes or continued outbreaks underneath the breast.
  • Do you have written support from your primary care doctor and plastic surgeon?
  • Do you believe a prescribed medication caused your enlarged breasts to develop?

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How much does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost?

According to the most recent data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average gynecomastia surgery cost for the surgeon’s fee is $4,239. Anesthesia, operating room supplies, and other related costs are not included in this cost, which represents only a portion of the total cost. These costs are geographically determined. For information on your final cost, please contact the office of your plastic surgeon.

The cost of gynecomastia surgery will depend on the following criteria: the surgeon’s experience and credentials, the method of surgery, and the location of the facility.

The cost of gynecomastia surgery depends on a variety of factors such as the extent of the surgery, type of anesthesia used, plastic surgery, and any additional procedures used during the surgery.

What to Expect with Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction surgery is a procedure to reduce glandular breast tissue. The enlarged breast tissue is reduced through an incision around the bottom half of the areola, which results in an excellent scar. Liposuction is often performed for fat reduction and blending into the surrounding tissue. The patient is sat upright for final contouring and symmetry. In some cases of more severe gynecomastia, the excess may need to be removed. The gynecomastia recovery for most cases of both procedures are similar.

Gynecomastia Surgery and Anesthesia

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Dr. Delgado, for most patients, uses general anesthesia for complete control of the operation. The patient is much more comfortable, and pain and blood pressure much better controlled to reduce bleeding. Lite anesthesia is performed with a laryngeal mask (LMA) which lightly covers the “windpipe” to provide mild anesthesia. The patient is breathing on their own, safe and controllable. A board-certified anesthesiologist provides the lite anesthesia. The patient is discharged from Dr. Delgado’s “state of the art” surgery facility 30 mins after surgery. The only disadvantage of LMA anesthesia treatment is some added cost, but Dr. Delgado feels it is worth it.


How can I hide my gynecomastia?

What is the secretive treatment for Gynecomastia? Wear a compression vest. Keeping good clothes. Wear patterns. Use Nipple Tape. Reduce contrast color. Getting a little fitter. Put on layers or undershirts. Wear a short-fit shirt.

Gynecomastia patients often want to hide their male breasts to have a flatter chest in public. Instead of plastic surgery, men can do the following:

  • wear a compression vest
  • heavy clothing with shirt pockets, dark or pattern colors, and layered clothing
  • Get fit and lose weight

Why is Gynecomastia surgery so costly?

How much gynecomastia surgery costs depends on these important factors:

  • Experience and credentials of the plastic surgeons
  • The geographic location of the medical practice and operating room facilities
  • The grade of gynecomastia or the severity.

726+ Reviews

I highly recommend Dr. Delgado if you are considering gynecomastia surgery!

– Michael Cruz

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I had the procedure completed about 2 months ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. My chest finally looks the way I’ve wanted it to look for years. The muscle definition is finally there and I can wear tighter fitting shirts and workout gear without the discomfort of feeling self conscious about my chest.

726+ Reviews

I highly recommend Dr. Delgado if you are considering gynecomastia surgery!

– Michael Cruz

I had the procedure completed about 2 months ago and I am very pleased with the outcome. My chest finally looks the way I’ve wanted it to look for years. The muscle definition is finally there and I can wear tighter fitting shirts and workout gear without the discomfort of feeling self conscious about my chest.


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates gynecomastia.org, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

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